"hump" day
Yes that's right. It is wednesday and middle of the week and also called "hump" day since it will only go downhill from now. Haha don't ask me why they call it hump day but oh well it is wednesday and it feels great. I am very excited about this weekend, it is Homecoming weekend and we have saturday off from golf which is well needed because during season it is very intense so an extra day off don't hurt sometimes and especially now because i've been really tight and sore in my back lately due to a lot of playing so to rest can't hurt.
So the plan for this weekend is kinda loose but on friday i will hang out with my great friends (don't know what i would do without you all) and then saturday we will go to the football game which should be fun if only the weather can be good. It doesnt have to be too warm but as long as the sun is out and no rain that will be fine by me!
Just showered and had my ordinary breakfast in form of recover drink and yoghurt with fresh strawberries and other good stuff and then coffe of course. So now I feel ready to go so I am actually going to get dressed and then study some at home because i'm too lazy to go to school 2 hours before my class.
Have a great day, which is my plan:)